Is it bad if my gums bleed after I brush my teeth?

Is it bad if my gums bleed after I brush my teeth?

It’s definitely not a good sign to have bleeding gums following brushing. However, the condition may or may not require professional attention, depending on the source of the problem. Bleeding gums could be caused by improper or rough “scrubbing”, instead of gentle, circular brushing motions. The use of a hard-bristled toothbrush instead of a soft one, plaque and/or tartar buildup below the gum line, or gum inflammation due to gingivitis or periodontal disease can also be the source.

If this problem persists despite correct brushing and flossing techniques, or occurs every time you brush, you may have some degree of gum or periodontal disease. We recommended you contact our office to set up an evaluation appointment. We can prevent and treat most stages of gum disease successfully through our non-surgical gum care procedures.